IN BRIEF: Elizabeth is a stage and screen actress based in North Yorkshire, working across the UK, the US and Europe. Since being selected from over 10,000 applicants to perform in the inaugural Old Vic New Voices 24 hour plays back in 2005, she has specialised in collaborating on new writing. She has worked extensively with living legend, Sir Alan Ayckbourn, premiering his new plays in the UK and the US and she continues to collaborate with writers and directors of new work for both stage and screen.
She is also one of the founding directors of the Scarborough Film Festival: www.scarboroughfilmfestival.co.uk
IN DEVELOPMENT: Elizabeth is currently producing RIDE, the first feature film from Instant Film writer-director, Dean Loxton.
LINKS to affiliated organisations:
Scarborough Fim Festival
For Your Reel
Lions Den Films
Instant Film
Firehouse Creative Productions http://www.firehousecreativeproductions.com/